There is no proper way to eject from a plane other than pull the handles and hope. Injuries from a high speed ejection are common and not pilot error.
That’s not the point.
The point is that McCain’s broken arms and leg were attributed to torture from his captors when they were actually the result of his cockpit ejection. All that is on record.
And McCain did nothing to set the record straight when that myth was created. He let it continue so that he could win sympathy points.
And I am still waiting for your answer as to what specific acts of heroism did McCain perform. What lives did he save? What acts did he do that resulted in crucial victories in war?
There were NEVER ANY CONCRETE FACTS WRITTEN IN HIS CITATION FOR A SILVER STAR even though the DOD Manual calls for concrete acts to be written. He got that medal because his father and grandfather were 4-star Admirals. All he did was suffer and survive yet hundreds of thousands suffered in that war and more than 50,000 paid the ultimate price of death. Most of them did not have an Admiral lineage to ensure they were decorated with high awards with citations that stated a bunch of exalted language with no facts as to what the hell the person did.
McCain is no hero. His heroism is a myth perpetrated by the Media who circle the wagons around him because he bad-mouths Republicans which they like to see. So they build up a myth of his heroism to make a PC shield so that anyone that challenges the myth is unpatriotic and ‘crazy’ as McCain likes to call them.