1. How do you know the traffic conditions? Were you there?? Regardless, it is still a violation of the law.
2. Nobody said she was intoxicated, but he was within his rights to ask questions. Since when did simple questions become illegal or disrespectful?
3. He does have a right to ask because the law gives him that right. If you don’t like it then change the law.
4. Actually cig smoke does hide the smell of MJ. We see it all the time. Stopping talking about things you don’t know about. Have you ever done a traffic stop?
5. You’re admittedly making stupid assumptions without proof. That invalidates your entire argument. I can assume she was going for his gun since it was off camera, but that doesn’t prove a thing.
6. She was on a public roadway therefore the car is not legally a private space. Again, that is the law so if you don’t like it then change it. The open window constitutes a public space. He can order the cig out for officer safety (people have been know to burn cops with them) or for investigative purposes.
Calling security would escalate the situation. I could think your actions to be unreasonable because how many hospitals have burned down in the last 30 years due to cig smoke??? Also, the safety of the officer is just as important at your staff and patients. Again, you have no clue about law enforcement so you don’t understand the risks the cig could pose.
If a cop is such a pu**y that he cannot defend against a lit cigarette, when the woman is at a disadvantage by being restrained in a car with no mobility- then the cop needs to find another job.
Patients are on stretchers with oxygen. Lighting a cig can cause explosions in a hospital. That is why the policy is strictly enforced, and you don't see fires.