“I actually haven’t been having much time to get into these discussions lately. Their is just too much other stuff I ought to be doing, so I sneak what time away that I can.”
This is it in a nutshell. The rest of us have obligations, responsibilities, and just in general, a LIFE. By contrast, our obot community evidently has *nothing* to do but sit at their keyboards all day typing walls of words. It is incomprehensible to them that there might be people in this world who literally do not have the time to read never-ending obot wordiness. They have no reference point but themselves, and since they have limitless time, everyone else should too.
While you are right, entirely, about your narcissism comment, there is another angle as well. Namely, for a six mo period, there is NO evidence of any kind that SAD was in HI. (There is only the flimsiest evidence that she was there for the 2-3 mos preceding this interlude.)
Thus, if an obot is pressed hard enough to provide evidence of her presence, you can see why he/she would turn to dead people. In the total absence of anything better, those corpses start looking pretty good after a while (at least to certain types).
‘”Laughter rocks the highest throne.”’
That is a great expression. I never heard it before, but I already love it.
Agree about laughing at the obots. Believe me, I laugh almost non-stop. One of them once posted that his/her comment had “upset” me. My thought was, ‘Really? Should I be upset that you are making me laugh too hard?’
They truly do not grasp how much entertainment they provide.
I just want to add one thing. Evidently the obots have stumped themselves on a painfully simple point. I.e.: they cannot figure out what it means that no one saw a pregnant SAD in HI. I gather they imagine it means she wasn’t pregnant anywhere. [The stupidity inherent in this ‘logic’ is truly painful to behold.]
It’s sad that people who claim to be at least minimally intelligent cannot figure this out. But I am not here to do the obots’ thinking for them; they will just have to figure it out for themselves.
If, however, any conservatives following this thread would like an explanation, please PM me. I will be happy to fill you in. Not everyone follows eligibility threads with equal attention, after all, and it would be no trouble for me at all to answer this simple and basic question.
They truly do not grasp how much entertainment they provide.
What I find truly amusing is when you point out the consequences of what they believe, such as "Anchor Babies" and they say "I don't support that."
Well, yes they do. You cannot separate the one issue from the other. If birth citizenship applies to anyone born here you get "anchor babies" and "birth tourism" as a defacto consequence.
One of my main arguments against the jus soli argument for US Citizenship is the fact that it produces a stupid result, and the founders were anything but stupid, ergo they intended no such result.
If, however, any conservatives following this thread would like an explanation, please PM me. I will be happy to fill you in. Not everyone follows eligibility threads with equal attention, after all, and it would be no trouble for me at all to answer this simple and basic question.
I don't follow them as closely as I once did. The point has become moot in our society and I no longer research the topic as much as I used to do. It is no longer a moral imperative because the bulk of the country has simply accepted an incorrect understanding of the laws and history, and many chose to remain willfully ignorant.