Due to Islam, America lost four Marines on the 16th of this month...Due to Islam, Benghazi wafu, due to Islam, Christians are losing their heads, I dare say that due to Islam 4 Americans are languishing in an Iranian jail. Due to his color, Obama jumped into the unlawful mess in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, MD, made phone calls to congratulate gay men and athletes for coming out....NEVER A MENTION TO THE FAMILY OF KATE STEINLE or those killed in Chattanooga,TN.
The color of ones skin clearly is of the utmost concern to the Obamas...and the sexual preference of gays and athletes. Africans. Obama was raised a Muslim for the first 10 years of his life; Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, has Islamic leanings if not a Muslim herself....she is being investigated for Communist deals and is the closest adviser to Obama.
Americans this piece of trash should be impeached forthwith....there aren't any men in congress or the senate with enough cojonies between them to castrate a calf.
I hope and pray that when the next guy to occupy OUR house, all this bowing and capitulating to the muzzles WILL END. After eight long years of this cr*p, the White House to be fumigated and rid of all things muzzle.