Before noon tomorrow the easy availability of "deadly assault weapons" spraying hundreds of armor piercing bullets will be blamed for these murders. I'd bet $100 on it. The Rainbow Hut and Chuck Schumer will be leading the charge. I'm taking it to the bank.
"Jihad" won't even be mentioned, except by a few "right wing crackpots". Officially, the motive will remain completely "mysterious", unknown and unknowable. I'm taking that $100 bet to the bank as well.
Both bets are lead-pipe cinches. It's like shooting fish in a barrel or betting on that vicious pit bull to beat that six week old lab puppy in the nearest Mexican dog fight.
And remember that the DHS list of most dangerous threats had at the top: US military veterans. I don’t think moslems were on the list.
I guess the DHS was more worried about the Marine reservists who were killed as being a terrorist threat than looking for those with connections outside of the US.