“Does Dr. Nutjobola realize how evil she is?”
You don’t sit at the table swilling wine and gorging yourself on food and “realize how evil you are.” That woman is the devil’s handmaiden and she is doing the devil’s work.
This the very heart of darkness, a heart so black that light has never entered. It knows nothing but evil.
But there is even a greater evil. That this barbarity is not universally condemned but instead defended by a thoroughly corrupt Media and a society that turns a blind eye, is an evil that will surely bring about the destruction of that society.
How can evil be so casual, so nice-looking, so normal?
It is among us and we don't really see it until a camera is placed during the correct conversation and within the context of a subject that hits us all in the gut when we think about it.
Little babies are cut up like bait with selected parts culled out first and she eats her salad and lifts her glass filled with wine as if she were discussing the acquisition of a new recipe rather than the requisition for executed human baby parts.
She has no idea how evil she really is.