While I like your fighting spirit, this fight is over. The communists have completed their 78 year "long march through the institutions" with today's announcement by the BSA. We are officially a post-Christian nation. The MSM, Hollywood, academia, Fortune 500 board rooms, not-profit-foundations, and churches have been undermined from within. The Millennial Generation is the "Lost" Generation. They just don't have "it" to recognize the truth. My generation, the "Boomers", stomped the accelerator during the 1960s to bring us where we are today. Hold onto your church and family, everything else will soon be gone with the wind.
The Soviet Socialists won in Russia's civil war, seizing power in 1917 and holding that power until 1991.
The National Socialists won in Germany's most violent elections, seizing power in 1933 and holding that power until 1945.
Obama's Socialists have won this round, but the fight is not over. Russian socialists ruled for 74 years. German socialists lost their power in a mere 12 years. We have a longer and stronger tradition of individual rights and responsibilities than either of those countries. If we fight for freedom, we can regain what we lost before our grandchildren or even our children suffer from our catastrophic blunders.