How does the collapsing economy a small country with a GDP less than Louisiana affect the US stock market?
It’s pretty simple really. Greeceis a potential straw on the camel’s back. The more socialism around the world must be supported by “other people’s money” the sooner we all run out of OPM. Margaret Thatcher had the whole thing cut down to bumper sticker simple. What makes the game exciting is finding the tipping point where the freeloader demands more than the enslaved producer can physically supply. That is the day of reset. Until that day, anything keeping the fairytale afloat will be celebrated in the media. Idiots believe the media. Don’t be there on the day of reset. Continents will burn on the day of reset.
That's exactly the question that I was raising at the beginning, and I'm settling down to two possibilities. One is that Greece tanking means gov't bonds need higher interest rates and that poops on everyone's efforts to raise capital, and the other is that it doesn't affect it, that market prices fluctuate 'cause that's what they do and that Greece is only there so pundits can sell copy.