Creating a district like Florida’s CD 5 is a good move for the Republicans, confining as many racists as possible into one district, thus leaving the surrounding districts more White and more Republican.
*THAT* is why the liberal FL supreme court trashed the entire map — it benefits Republicans (in particular GOPe RINOs), not liberal Democrats.
That map was created by gutless GOP establishment types to also serve the purpose of eliminating conservative Reps like Allen West and Sandy Adams, and it was quite successful in doing so.
Take a look at Bobby Scott’s district in VA.
I don’t know Perma. Lee Atwater first came up with the ‘majority minority’ formula and It did appear to be a good idea. However it gave us a bunch of entrenched, unqualified, senior black incumbents. Also it contributed to black isolation and block voting.
So .... was the formula good or bad for the country in the long run ?
Which is what the court is complaining about. Not a single, gerrymandered district for black Democrats but several gerrymandered discticts for white Republicans.