To: Finny
Waco is a quiet throwing down of the gauntlet.
Automatic gunfire by prepositioned military forces into civilian crowds is neither quiet nor a mere gauntlet.
Any more than mass arrests of witnesses on capital charges with punitive bail by design, is public relations.
Not jumping on you. But let's be direct and blunt.
To: Robert Teesdale
“Automatic gunfire by prepositioned military forces into civilian crowds is neither quiet nor a mere gauntlet”
No one with 2 brain cells believe your BS, well except maybe the weasels who grovel at the feet of their criminal bike heros.
128 posted on
07/09/2015 4:06:49 PM PDT by
(CRUZ missile - armed and ready.)
To: Robert Teesdale
"Automatic gunfire by prepositioned military forces into civilian crowds is neither quiet nor a mere gauntlet. " ~~~~~~~
Just how many of those ten (10) rounds fired by LEOs were fired in full auto or burst mode?
Must have been an awfully brief encounter...
(I can do that in five seconds or less with a semiautomatic Ruger 10-22.)
Lib-hyperbolize much?
146 posted on
07/09/2015 6:19:17 PM PDT by
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