To: Finny
You needn't worry so much. I guarantee you that content wins the day. There are at least 100 times as many people reading, as there are posting, and most of that 100 sides with substance, not volume.
What you see as 2:1 here, in number of posters, is more like 90:1 among the readers.
63 posted on
07/09/2015 8:40:35 AM PDT by
To: Cboldt
I guarantee you that content wins the day. I wish you could. :^(
65 posted on
07/09/2015 8:42:25 AM PDT by
(Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -- Psalm 119:105)
To: Cboldt
Content wins the day in propaganda.
I saw the Chinese Communist Internet propagandists use that tact first on Internet forums.
It’s why to this day people still think George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood or the Ferguson Gentle Giant was gunned down by racist rogue cops.
These threads are the equivalent of the Trayvon and Ferguson leftist communist antiAmerican satanic propaganda.
And it’s very sad that the antiChrist spirit propagandists have infiltrated here and spread their fear mongering and lies.
No different than Al Sharpton, New Black Panthers, or Obama in spreading darkness, not light.
To: Cboldt
What you see as 2:1 here, in number of posters, is more like 90:1 among the readers.
That is why our government plants have to shut down the threads. The more damaging the revelations, the more shrill they become.
101 posted on
07/09/2015 2:06:25 PM PDT by
PA Engineer
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