Trust him to be lying. Trust him to have realized his disastrous Perry like Gaffes on this issue and trust his desire to fool us with this new position.
I hope the rest of the field comes after him on this.
Wow.... that was good. You really need to work up a piece, following that train of thought on Hillary also. Then, get it to your candidate of choice (hopefully Ted Cruz), whomever that might be so they can use it. That would make a powerful Political Ad for YouTube and TV. It needs to put on Facebook, and e-mailed nationwide. For example:
You can trust Hillary Clinton. You can trust her to lie to your face, hug you publicly and then demean and demoralize you behind your back. You can trust Hillary Clinton to move Bill into the White House and work with him as a team continue raping America with their corruption. You can trust Hillary Clinton to finish Obama’s goal of totally destroying our great nation....... You get the drift of it. You can take it from there if you want, and then e-mail it to every GOP Candidate and every Conservative Radio/TV host you can. Or send me a FReep Mail and I’ll e-mail it and Tweet it on Twitter.
Good stuff, man; good stuff.