When you can’t buy gas....when you can’t buy bread....when you can’t buy meat or anything substance....when you can’t buy vital drugs to keep your kid or grandma alive...when none of this can occur because there is no cash to hand you....who exactly is the master of the master of the ship?
I could have 100,000 Euro in the bank....but it’s not releasable to me unless they have the bills to issue you via the ATM or bank.
This really says a lot about society, where we’ve taken acceptance, and just how quick our whole life can fall apart. Imagine yourself as a Greek with a need for insulin. With what you got in the house...how many days of survival do you have, and if you have cash....do it spend it on rent, insulin, gas or food?
I’m skeptical now of the Greek argument of taking charge of their mess. They’ve had five years and over 300,000,000,000 Euro to get things arranged and problems solved. Epic failure is the only words available for their achievements. Either through health issues, depression or suicide....you can figure 5,000 to 10,000 Greeks won’t be around by the end of the month.
My point is that once it IS on you---that it IS your cash, your insulin---you tend to get serious. I'm not saying it won't be very painful. But as long as it was the EU's house "burning down," no one was going to care.
But, hey, how 'bout those 2004 Olympics, huh?