Posted on 07/07/2015 3:45:11 PM PDT by Olog-hai
The U.N. Security Council delayed a vote on a British-drafted resolution that would condemn the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war as a crime of genocide until Wednesday after Russia informed council members it would veto the measure.
Supporters of the resolution had been hoping for its unanimous approval to mark the 20th anniversary of the slaughter by Bosnian Serbs of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys who had sought refuge at what was supposed to be a U.N.-protected site. But leaders of the Bosnian Serbs and Serbia, who have close religious and cultural ties to Russia, have lobbied President Vladimir Putin to vote no.
The Serbian and Bosnian Serb governments called emergency sessions for Tuesday evening to discuss the draft resolution but the Bosnian Serb meeting was canceled.
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8,000? Last I heard that was a fairy tale and that the actual figure was around 1,800 to maybe 2,500.
Yup. Only about 2000 bodies recovered. Some of us keep a clear memory that the “8000” is rounded up from the 7500 that press reports at the time pointed to, that the reason Srebrenica was overrun in the first place after the UN declared it an open city was that the Bosniaks were using the cover of its protected status to use as a base from which to launch attacks (a war crime that NATO propagandists continually overlook), and that the High Commissioner of the International Red Cross reported that many of the Bosniak fighters (I believe it was 2500) had left Srebrenica and moved north before the Serb assault. Men supposedly killed a Srebrenica has since shown up on Bosnian voter roles.
Were the Serbs wrong to execute Bosniaks who had surrendered? Yes. But the Russians are right on this. It was no “genocide”, just a dirty incident in a dirty war that started with Bosniak Muslims machine gunning a Serb wedding, and included mass beheadings of Serbs by Bosniak jihadis.
As my tag-line would read if FR gave us more room:
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about. — Slobodan Milosevic
Yeah, but why let facts get in the way of the narrative?
A great post! And thank you for the quote from Milosevic.
At least the Srebrenica claims (8K vs. 2K) are within the same order of magnitude. When the mass media and Clinton administration were agitating for US intervention in Kosovo, we heard wild tales about many hundreds of thousands of Kosovar Albanians slaughtered by Serbs. The reality was about 7-8K Kosovar civilians killed, with nearly an equal number of Serb civilians killed by Kosovars.
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