I, too, like what he’s doing and saying, and it is because he’s pretty straight-forward. Not a lot of pretense going on. My guess is that a man with billions is a bit harder to buy off with publicity or cash. He can get all those he wants on his own.
I suspect the only way to buy him off is with the presidency itself, and that’s the one thing his detractors apparently are united in wanting to deny him.
At this time he’s not interfering with other candidates’ fundraising so, as I said, I enjoy him.
But... “Ross Perot! Ross Perot! Ross Perot!” Has to scream in any sensible person’s head.
Who can forest his election of Clinton?
And Jesse Ventura, what a good job he did of saying the right things.
So he’s dandy, like liquor or candy, but I don’t see the meat and potatoes.