The left is clearly at war with America.
But the right has all the guns.
But the right has all the guns.
But not the guts to use them.
The government has the most guns and all the big guns, and the manpower.
The left has the government.
The left have muslim terrorist on their side that are more than willing to blow themselves up and take as many people as they can with them.
The left has an invading army of over 11 million illegal aliens.
The left has black gangs that are more than willing to kill without batting an eye.
The left has control of the cities and can cut off needed supplies of fuel and the left also controls the power grid.
Just having the guns isn’t enough.
Tactical error on the part of the Left.
To be counteracted as quickly as possible by trying to seize the legally owned firearms by those who also possess a battle standard of Northern Virginia, and even those who do not have such a banner.
At this juncture, trying to come after the sidearms now that the possessors of those same weapons are already aroused and with adrenaline flowing, may be a suicide mission with little likelihood of effective compliance.
Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their little red eyes.
Apocalypse now.
Which are useless against the left's war on us.
But the right has all the guns.
If it comes down to our side against their side, they are burnt toast, but the fact that the left doesn't have many guns themselves does nothing to address the problem that they have proxies who have plenty of guns.
They are called the US Armed services, and they should not be taken lightly.
If they can be kept out of the fight, the left will be massacred. But as they cannot, the consequence of fighting the left with arms cannot be taken for granted.
The left has the army, navy, and air force.