“God is not concerned about the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion on morality. God does not change, God’s law does not change.”
“We as Christians have lived comfortably in the nominally Christian culture of the United States. As it becomes uncomfortable, it will separate the sheep from the goats. Being a member of a local church will no longer be seen as socially beneficial. It will increasingly become more difficult. Our role as Christians is not to worry about how the world perceives us. We know, even if we have forgotten occasionally, that the world hates us and it has always hated us. That does not change our obligation to reach out in love.”
“Christians have fought the culture war in this country with placards and signs and other in your face efforts. That has not worked. In ancient Rome, the pagans practiced infanticide by exposing their unwanted babies — usually girls. Christians at night rescued these abandoned children and raised them in Christ. Those baby girls grew to be women who influenced their husbands and children. Christians took over the Roman Empire through love, kindness, and service in Christ. We will not influence this world by fighting on their terms. We must actively show them the love of Christ through our lives.”
Those are paraphrases from both the morning Sunday school class and the sermon.