At my church, we’re between pastors, so the sermon yesterday was delivered by the district superintendent. After some remarks about how we should be welcoming, she launched into a political rant praising the Supreme Court ruling—essentially spiking the football, as liberals and leftists are doing around the country. I didn’t hear a whole lot of what she had to say, because I immediately got up and walked out.
Good on you for leaving...
I did that once in a church where Missionaries were calling Islamists....”freedom fighters”.....and “conditioning the people to accept other cultures.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 identifies that (and mosty) church’s failure in following the Holy Bible.
That preacher is a woman (of Eve, who bought the original lie and spread it), a false teacher (contrary to the Holy Bible) and a sodomite.
You were right to flee, as instructed in Romans 16:17.
Luther spins in his grave.