The lesson to learn here is never give the government control on something unless you want them to have total control.
Because government will take total control and never give it back.
When we allowed the government to issue marriage licenses and perform ceremonies and give monetary consideration on marriage status the door was opened and they walked right in and now they own the whole thing.
Next will be multiple partners. I figure within 5 years. Probably sooner.
Next will be forcing churches to perform same sex ceremonies or give up their tax free status.
And those that pay full fare will probably face some sort of punitive ‘sin tax’/jiza tax for not bowing down to liberalism. Just as strip joint taxes fund rape prosecutions (indicting all adult entertainment observers as potential rapists) I could see them establishing a ‘GBLT’ fund from the additional taxes reaped from ‘corporate for profit’ churches (those without tax free status).
Goodbye freedom of religion.