Rendering the justices directly accountable to the people would provide such a remedy. Twenty states have now adopted some form of judicial retention elections, and the experience of these states demonstrates that giving the people the regular, periodic power to pass judgment on the judgments of their judges strikes a proper balance between judicial independence and judicial accountability. It also restores respect for the rule of law to courts that have systematically imposed their personal moral values.
I have advocated that very thing for years. However, I also advocate that all landmark decisions MUST be ratified by the states just as if it were a constitutional amendment. The SCOTUS has essentially taken it upon themselves to amend the COTUS whenever they feel like it. Their decisions should be ratified by the states before they have ANY force of law.
Yes, you are in tune. Please see Post #85 to this thread and consider the challenge at the bottom:
I agree. The court is reading things into the constitution that are not there.