We did know it because we know the whole federal government is corrupt. We need to radically rethink the process we’re engaged in. By “we” I mean the people who want freedom. Freedom is not negotiable yet we negotiate it when we chose leaders who are willing to compromise huge chunks of it and not fight for it: governors, senator, state-reps, US reps, etc. When I say “fight for it,” I don’t mean filibusters that fail or symbolic legislation that gets vetoed. Those are part of the due diligence process, but due diligence has run its course. I’m talking about disobedience.
This was not an circumvention on the constitution, it was a full frontal assault. Any pol who doesn’t take immediate steps to ensure that it doesn’t stand (again, I’m not talking about filibusters and symbols) is not worth our time. Since Americans are probably not going to pick up guns and shoot politicians en masse, the only hope I see is creating a party that represents us. That means the Republican party needs to die. That means we need to withhold our vote for EVERY Republican at every level. As long as they keep associating with the GOP, they give it legitimacy and the Establishment can keep up their charade.
Spot on.