I have an idea:
Why don’t we bring home ALL our troops from all over the world, put them on OUR borders, and tell the rest of the world to fight their OWN battles?????
So in essence pursue the policy that we adopted once the Versaille peace process didn’t go the way we expected it to at the end of WWI. What did that policy get us? The rise of communism, fascism and WWII.
Like it or not, for better or worse we have taken the mantle that the British empire once held. That of being a stabilizing force in the world. If we withdraw from the world, someone else will step into the void. Power abhors a vacuum. Most likely regional hegemonys will pop up and that will surely lead to another world war. What you propose sounds nice on it’s face, but is unworkable in practice. Has the last 70 years not taught us anything? When America recedes from the world stage, the world becomes more dangerous.
We wouldn’t last long if we did that.
We would have ceased to exist as a free nation, decades ago.