TPA changes the law and takes away the Senate’s right to a 60-vote cloture.
TPA changes the law so that no Senator or member of the House can offer any amendments to the TPP that the TPA allows Obama to negotiate in SECRET.
Why would any decent person changes all these laws to the betterment and advantage of Obama.
Any Republican or Independent that voted for this should be treated just like any other Traitor.
Its Treason.
Giving the Most America Hating President EVER Unlimited Power Over an
Open Ended Treaty that can be Changed at any time after the Vote BY this Soros Puppet
To think a few of these Traitors Have The NERVE to RUN for President
After Selling Out this Country and our Kids out to Foreign Lobbyists and K Street and Soros .
Soros has been working on this Trojan Horse for Six Years !
For better or worse this is the way all modern trade deals have been negotiated no matter who the president, and it's probably the only way they could be. You may not want trade deals, fair enough, but if you think they're important then this is how they get done.