Because molesters always hang out in this kid's backyard playing hoops while waiting for his parents to be late? I'd be more worried about the neighbor who reported them. Was the neighbor so snoopy they had to sneak around to the driveway to make sure the parents weren't there or ring the bell to make sure they hadn't merely been dropped off? Very creepy. If the neighbor was so concerned, they could have asked the kid if he was ok but noooooo. Instead of seeing to the kid's safety, they were more concerned with reporting the parents. The mom needs to put her house on the market asap because the neighbor has shown his colors and will never leave the alone. Ok, fine, give the kid a key. Heck, I didn't need a key because I'd either craw through my bedroom window or use my ID card to get the front door lock open. We'd also ride our bikes all over town from dawn to dusk and no one cared. Mr. B and his friends would go down to the pool hall after school or ride their bikes to the next towns over on weekends. We both walked home from school. I walked home by myself in 3rd grade down a major city street. Florida, that has no minimum age for children to be alone
Well, there's the parents' out. There is no minimum age. The state has to prove the child wasn't able to take care of himself which he already proved he was since he never left the backyard and didn't do anything but play hoops. Geez, the kid is going into middle school if not there already.
The neighbor was probably po’d about the sound of the basketball.
Those three girls from Ohio disagree with you. Lifes ruined.