Some people all they think about is sex. Josh was quite obviously in full puberty mode even though the girls were not.
I don't excuse what Josh did, I just feel really bad that the girls had to be re-victimized by the media. Now every time they show their face anywhere, the question is there. That is a horrible way to have to live. Also. I do not like the media witch hunt. I do not like that sealed juvenile records were released and I do not like that the powers that be can silence people they don't agree with. All very totalitarian. But I have been through all of this before.
They should be wary of him. It is instinct to think that someone who has done it more than once could do it again.
The girls were/are the victims for sure. That is the biggest issue for me. Josh was (and still is) being protected by the parents and even his sisters. The little ones were the most troubling aspect of this. There was nothing sexual about them at all, yet he still did it.