Rather than invent an agenda to fit a problem....ask the question if anything really has changed over 200 years. Then go back and review newspapers of various eras. It was common place for assault, murder and robbery to occur from 1776 on. To think we were pure and clear at some point is a fraudulent way of thinking.
I finished a book from a guy’s journals of traveling around the eastern side of the US in the 1820s recently. He described in great detail the perils of murder and robbery between various urban areas of the time. No, folks didn’t really wait around for some marshal or judge to enact punishment. Murder was a comment event.
Murder, robbery and assault aren’t the issue here. Certainly they’re indicative of moral failing but they’ve been with us since time immemorial. What’s new is the obsequious ‘gay’ agenda. Same sex marriage, transgenderism, teaching our children in public schools that anything gay is just ok! The breakdown in personal responsibility that encourages everyone to get on the dole...it’s ok to steal from your fellow citizens! They have too much anyway and it ain’t fair!
The best gauge of moral decline in a society is not by comparing the behavior and values of the worst elements of society from one period to another, but by comparing those of the best elements. Our best elements now routinely engage in whoring and immodesty, vulgarity, and worship of criminality. We’re screwed.