This teacher seems to be saying that Curry has ONLY been successful in the NBA because his father achieved success that ALLOWED him to play NBA-level basketball.
“This teacher seems to be saying that Curry has ONLY been successful in the NBA because his father achieved success that ALLOWED him to play NBA-level basketball.”
What he says is that Curry won the genetic lottery and had one-on-one tutoring at the court at his house.
That's part of what the teacher is saying. And the teacher is RIGHT. Out of all the hundreds of thousands of high school basketball players, only a few tens of thousands become college basketball players. Out of those tens of thousands, at any given time, no more than 360 active NBA Players exist. If a kid isn't at the top of the heap in high school, he's not headed to the NBA. Having an intact family is a big help toward being at the top of the heap in high school. A kid at 12 or 14 years old who has never played an organized game of basketball WILL NOT be headed to the NBA. If he gets his shit together, though, he still has a really good shot at learning a skilled trade or earning a worthwhile college degree.
He also leads the league in fewest tattoos.
My impression, as well. The teacher -- who I'm guessing is white (and, not coincidentally, a believer in "white privilege") -- was trying to lay a guilt trip on Curry.