If you are referring to my comparison to libs and country, it is an analogy. X is to Y as A is to B. If you take out "libs" and "country" and put in "hawks" and "party" it is the same notion. Am I blaming our country or am I blaming the bad policies of libs? Compare that to what he said. Is he blaming the party or is he blaming the failed policy of hawks.
On the other hand if you are referring to the part where you claim he doesn't blame Obama, that is ridiculous. Paul and the people he was talking to at Morning Joe know who is in the White House and they are knowledgeable enough about how government works to know that one party in congress can't actually give arms to a foreign group themselves.
Let's break this down...
1.) Paul is attacked by Lyndsay Graham on National Security grounds.
2.) Paul is asked about this attack on the Morning Joe show.
3.) Instead of attack Graham back directly, he lumps him in with other "hawks in our party" who he believes have contributed to the threat of ISIS.
I distinctly remember reading FR and seeing images of John McCain arm in arm with either jihadis or actual ISIS members (depending on who you ask). You must have been offline for all of those weeks.
Do you think giving arms to the jihadis was a good idea?
If not, why?
Is it because it helped ISIS become as powerful as they have become?
I'm glad to know that when there is a scuffle between the McCain/Graham side of the party and the Paul side of the party, you side with the former.
If you don’t see this GOP presidential candidate blaming “our party”, as telling the general public that republicans created ISIS, then you are blind.
Purposefully so.