Im surprised at how cheaply they valued their vote and their loyalty to America.
$17,676.48 = The new 30 pieces of silver?
(I know that doesn’t include a “career-for-life” set up or other $$ passed along that we don’t even know about....but, still...the optics on this will not look good in history.)
Another outrage is that each displaced worker will cost taxpayers far more per year to support than the $19,000, 30 pieces of silver payment, the senators sold their vote for.
Also can’t believe more issue wasn’t made about how a trade bill was so secret that senators weren’t permitted to take notes, or publicly discuss deliberations.
Shades of Obolacare: “we need to vote for it, in order to find out what’s in it.”
The Republicans have ensured their future minority status be being the ones who advocated for more jobs going abroad.
Unemployment, Food stamp (EBT card), Social Security disability payments, Section 8, Medicaid, college retraining education costs are going to further add to national debt and further necessiate more Fed fiat money printing, as we lose our standard of living and sovereignty.
Simply a disgrace.