Thank you a thousand times a thousand.
Excusing his behavior repeatedly, as his parents did, led to more sin and more anguish.
Even today, their statement and his is all about how he’s okay now.
Little mention of his victims. They didn’t matter then and they don’t matter now.
People who try to equivocate and ask, “But what about ___” or “Yeah, but ___ did it first” are a huge part of the problem.
Conservatives are supposed to be responsible. They do not shirk or pawn off blame. They stand tall for right and don’t defend wrong.
I’m sure you’ve observed the level of contortions people on this site will go through to avoid admitting they are wrong, to the point of applauding people like Byron Smith and Jerome Ersland. Every bankrupt technique - from invented semantics, well poisoning, pretend etymology, etc. is used.