A whole lot of head shots.
“A whole lot of head shots.”
Not for the other 27.
That is what I was thinking. The police are trained to shoot center of mass. However, an AR-15 with a green laser would make head shots easy.
This is not criticism nor support of the police nor the Bikers. This will be interesting to see what unfolds.
“A whole lot of head shots.”
Shoulda wore their helmets.
That’s what I thought when I first saw the pics
And where are the shot up cops and cop cars
All this heavy Leo show of force from the time the bike event started
Ringing the perimeter with shooters
And their course of action was to claim they expected management to tell 200 -300 bikers ...all of whom were not one percenters....to leave and be good boys
That is a laughable explanation .....
Who volunteers to tell Bandidos sergeant at arms he’s being evicted from the bar
I sure hope this report is wrong but something stinks here
And Freepers applauding murder is sick shit