Just look how much better off we are with Mitch running the Senate. He has stopped the illegal amnesty and defunded ObamaCare and I am sure he will stop this secret trade deal and the secret Iran nuclear treaty. Oh well, at least the morons that thought any Republican is better than any democrat probably still think he will.
Amazing that with Obama's track record, some still use that argument. "Principled losing" is still losing.
What's the difference between someone who has opinions you don't like, but who also believes in the Constitution , and someone who is a rabid and lawless pusher of every depravity one cold imagine, and who will constantly go against the Constitution to push his agenda? Forget the Internationale and economic disasters.
With McConnell and Boehner involved, only an idiot would believe that things would change in the House and Senate, especially with Obama being given the free pass for a second term "on principle" - that is a whole different battle where folks need to put time and money onto different State elections and there is no quick fix. But that's sooooo hard an inconvenient to wrap one's brain around so one sees a potential victory turn to manure and decides it's more productive to point at it and whine instead of girding up for the battles at hand.
Cry me a river.