To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
Reading Salon lately, they’re all but calling for it. They can’t wait for a good ol’ French Revolution style purging of the wrong-thinking undesirables.
15 posted on
05/15/2015 7:29:19 PM PDT by
(The greatest trick the Soviets ever pulled was convincing the world they didn't exist.)
To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
17 posted on
05/15/2015 7:32:14 PM PDT by
(The White House is now known as "Casa Blanca".)
To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
Reading Salon lately, theyre all but calling for it. They cant wait for a good ol French Revolution style purging of the wrong-thinking undesirables.Yes, libtards are undesirables.
40 posted on
05/16/2015 4:48:57 AM PDT by
(The love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong. It shall forever more endure.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson