You say: That was a twisted little rant, venom filled nonsense.
You must be referring to this sentence:
“Everything that Romney does that seems nice, or for charity, is related to his becoming a god in the Mormon religion, and this is a Utah based charity, Im guessing that this is related to Mormonism in some way.”
You can’t see past the hard-on you have for Mormons to the good that so many of them do. Just stuff it.
That statement of fact isn’t a rant, nor venom filled, it is merely an accurate description.
All of Bishop Romney’s good deeds and charity has always been for Mormon institutions and individuals, and all in service to his religion which teaches him that he is on a path to become a God, this Utah charity for instance has as it’s president Josh Romney, Mitt’s son, and Mitt’s wife sits on the board.
You need to be able to recognize simple facts about a liberal, pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-gay, pro-Romneycare/Obamacare, Reagan hating politician.