Rush will have more on her Tuesday.
Nope! Rush, instead, will spend the entire 3 hours talking about deflated footballs. Bet on it!
Rush did spend lots of time on Deflat-a-Gate. However, he did slice and dice Michelle. He asked why Michelle won’t use her place in history to inspire those of her race to strive for success? He asked why a woman enjoying everything she could ever want has such a negative attitude? He talked about the magazine spreads, the TV appearances and the accolades she gets everywhere she goes. He asked because he was sorry that she could have done better and has not done it.
Rush talked about what they say about people who criticize the Obamas for their views on race. Rush has been the center of that criticism himself. The media treats the Obamas as the experts on race. What they say cannot be criticized. Those who do, like Rush, are the yahoos who don’t know what they are talking about. Rush answered this criticism by saying that he is just as much a race as they are and is just as much an expert.
I said that Rush would go into the issue today. I looked on his website for it and, because I am not a subscriber, did not find the monolog I referred to here. However, he did have his one that touched on the Left’s position on racism. I will post that link below. Then I saw the monolog he did Monday, which touched on things he said today. That one and the one that follows were the prep treatment for the slice and dice today.
Monday’s prep treatment:
Today’s monolog here:
Correctamundo! (had to shut it off)
Bet on it! Don't doubt me.