He won’t persuade this voter. He’s simply siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars from other candidates and helping Hillary win.
Only if the GOP-E helps him.
No one, especially the GOP-E, is owed those votes.
Memo to Jeb Bush: You cannot outflank Herself, Madame Benghazi, the Cold & Joyless, on immigration “reform”.
The greatest, and most effective reform of immigration policy would be to enforce the laws now on the books, particularly those securing the borders and ports, and including most pointedly, the persons here either without visa of any kind, or those who have deliberately overstayed their visas.
Those who are here for “compassionate” reason should still be held in detention camps far from any major urban center, until their status is fully clarified and vetted. If, within a reasonable span of time, this cannot be done, then the subject is returned to country of origin.
Think of it as a huge board game. Or video game, if that is more to your understanding. With rewards for playing within the rules, but more importantly, with commensurate penalties for non-compliance.