The American Dhimmitude media, cowed by Islamic violence, has accepted total submission to the mandates of the Islamic terrorists.
Pamela Geller, Gert Wilders, and Bosch Fawstin (the winner of the contest) are real heroes that have not accepted to be intimidated by Islamic terrorists.
In January 17,2015 and in the same public school center, there was a Stand with the Prophet rally by Muslims, a provocative pro-Shariah law event, by supporters Al-Qaida and Isis organized by one of the terrorists implicate in the bombing of the garage of the NY World Trade Center in 1993.
I wonder if those who try to blame the organizers of the First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest, for the Muslim terrorist attack would have justified if some patriotic American had irrupted in Muslim rally on January alive, a real grievance more justified than the alleged 2015 and made a massacre of Islamic terrorists.
After all, Americans are profoundly offended by the abuse of our freedoms by those who made in Garland, Texas, the Muslim rally in support of the savages that decapitate, crucify and burned Christians.
The Dhimmitude media, scared by Islamic violence, auto-censor itself and try to justify the terrorist attack in Texas because the Mohamed cartoons contest offended the sensibility of Islamic terrorists.
In January 2015, radical Islamists desecrated the holy soil of Texas. Do not mess with Texas!!!
ISIS Comes To Texas This Is War
Noisy Room ^ | May 4 2015 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
Charlie Hebdo stands solidly for free expression. The West must do no less.