RE: Its disgusting how some people on Free Republic are so in favor of a police state.
You ignore one thing -— this area is a KNOWN drug trade area.
RE: They didnt call out to him to stop and then he ran.
You and I don’t know that. We still need to find out if there was a call to stop.
>>You and I dont know that. We still need to find out if there was a call to stop.
Even after a week, the best they can come up with is that he had an “illegal knife” in his pocket, which was neither illegal or even visible at that distance.
>>You ignore one thing - this area is a KNOWN drug trade area.
I’m not ignoring it because it is immaterial. Just being in a KNOWN drug trade area is not consent to be detained. I lived in a known drug trade area for a few months years ago when my wife and I were separated. I drove a brand new car because I had a good job. One night at almost midnite two cops hammered on my door and demanded to know who I was and how I could afford a new Mustang GT. They explained that this was a KNOWN drug trade area so they were just checking. At MIDNIGHT on a work night. This was 1994, so police abuses are not a new thing for me and my distrust for police tactics in their war against the citizenry started that night.