Imagine bartenders....trying to cozy up to the rioters.... by offering Chocolate Manhattans ....
As far as I’m concerned, the whole discord and unrest thing is being orchestrated by people who DO NOT have to live in or rebuild the damaged communities.
Manipulating and USING disaffected people to make a political point is as bad as it gets... yet the USED don’t seem to care.
THEIR tax revenue will NEVER go to that fix because they don’t pay taxes.
Those remote and unprincipled perpetrators who are driving this thing, (you know who I mean), even IF they pay their taxes and I am pretty sure some of them do not, are themselves criminals just as much as the people stealing and breaking.
It’s a national, very calculated and intentionally concerted shakedown agenda by some REAL shakedown artists that the MSM will NEVER expose!
THERE’S a story for some enterprising and professional ‘journalist’ out to make a career for him/herself.... but Nah... THAT would get them expelled from the LIBERAL club!