I’m willing to give Hogan the benefit of the doubt.
For now.
Governor Hogan needs to hold a press conference and very clearly state the limits of his power and that acted fully within them and through the idiot mayor of Baltimore under the bus. He’s already stating that he acted within 30 seconds of her request. He needs to make absolutely clear that he had no authority to do so before hand and that he was taking all possible steps to get that authority and be ready to act. Despite all that, I’d like to know why he did not act in force, take charge, once the request came. National guard troops should have been on the streets in the middle of the city within minutes of that request from the mayor. He as a duty to protect the citizens of the Maryland that should outweigh any regard to give the mayor the opportunity to allow protesters the room to destroy a community in Maryland.
If he goes on TV and demands the resignation of the mayor and city council, then my opinion will change. Until then, he’s just another coward politician.
I think her explanation makes the most sense in the context of her remarks... I give her the benefit of the doubt as well.