To: Ken H
The teachers probably didnt care, or supported it maybe
2 posted on
04/18/2015 2:22:00 PM PDT by
(Clearly Cruz 2016)
To: GeronL
It is Pennsylvania. There is a state law that says any school official with any suspicion of child abuse is required to report it to his superiors or law enforcement.
18 posted on
04/18/2015 2:56:07 PM PDT by
(sarcasm engaged at all times)
To: GeronL
It is Pennsylvania. Remember Penn State? At least he will have the Joe Paterno defenders to defend and alibi for him.
30 posted on
04/18/2015 3:32:15 PM PDT by
To: GeronL
63 posted on
04/18/2015 6:29:39 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
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