Look at Scott Walkers RECORD as governor
1. lowered taxes
2. passed conservative laws over democrat and media opposition
3. passed right to work laws
4. balanced the budget while cutting taxes and turning a huge deficit into a surplus
5. acted against climate change and against unions
6. many more conservative results
7. defeated democrats more than anyone in history to pass conservative laws and hes been governor only a short time
8. defeated democrats in several elections already some recall elections
Actions, results matter. Walkers record is unmatched in history and he's been governor only a short time
Scott Walker as president could restore America that the Obama communist is destroying . Obama is being a dictator .Obama illegally passed Amnesty with a wave of his hand after Congress refused to. Also obama is ordering his FCC gestapo to regulate the Internet with Soros researched laws. those are just 2 examples of how the communist Obama is destroying America and freedom and opportunity
If Walker gets the nomination, I hope we have one of the following Tickets going into the General Election:
You are forgetting Voter photo ID and taking the state from a huge deficit to a handsome surplus in 2 years. The previous Governor had robbed all of the special funds and spent it all and more. Walker put us back in balance and returned money to the taxpayers.