Honest question to all freeper readers:
Where else do you get to sound off on this stuff in a solid kind of way except here on Free Republic? If you don’t support Free Republic, then you are voting to get rid of your only real voice on the issues. You....the little guy...gets read by thousands of other eyes. Think about it.
That said, this is an antichristian president who is seeking to take down this nation.
Ping to article. Simply Amazing. They rather Americans encourage their kids in behavior that ends in death.
He may actually be the Antichrist.
It’s really hard to go anywhere and speak out on this stuff.
On Reddit, your posted can be voted up or down, which means anything that does not tow the homogenda gets a score of -6 in 2 minutes and disappears from view.
One of my local news sites employes the typical hipster leftist as moderators, so you say anything in dissent, and it gets removed.
Obama is an Abomination.
Yep. It's been happening for quite some time. The destruction of values that are derivatives of the Christian faith. These values are being wiped out of our cultural and a societal value systems. Churches have fallen, government and fallen. And there's a void where those values used to be and two parties (primarily) are trying to fill that void...the far left and Islam. Who will win?
Corporations under the tutelage of Kinsey and Rockefeller have been looking for some kind of welfare or dependent purchasers using sex for sales. So this is all part of that plan.
President Obama wants to end conversion therapy because he’s angry it didn’t work for him.
OK, Jim ... so how do we respond to this real and present DANGER - the ULTIMATE THREAT to our liberties? Oh, yeah, as if this fascist bunch will leave it to Congress to pass legislation ... as if such a law could ever be considered valid. Does any individual here still think it not yet time to take up arms against these Marxist infiltrators? WTF are we going to wait for them to do next? The 3 AM knock on the door - followed by a bullet to the head? I really do think it is time to shoot are so-called leaders ... Do it to them before thay eventually come around to us.