Stupid liberal Jews in America will support their socialist friends all the way to the gas chambers.
The one time Obama did not tell a lie!!!
B. Hussein Obama says in his own words. They are from his books entitled Dreams of My Father and Audacity of Hope.
In Audacity of Hope he writes: I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction. The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of The Audacity of Hope.
Uh, if you Jewish folks have been paying attention, you might have realized that the Democrat party hasn’t been in your corner for 30+ years.
And for the last SIX years, not only has the Democrat party not been in your corner, it has been A BLATANT ENEMY.
Jews supporting Democrats is like blacks sending contributions to the KKK.
Obama and the Dems could participate in any anti-Semitic activity and the Jews would still vote for them hand over fist. Why conservatives think that we’ll ever win a plurality of the Jewish vote is beyond confusing to me.
As Ronald Reagan said:
I didn’t leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me.
LIBERAL Jews are Liberals First. Many are near socialist AND separatist in their politics.
Lots of Jews, like many other crony capitalists, are in businesses supported by tax dollars; Not-for-Profits, Education, Social Service and Community Service groups etc . . . not to mention Law and medical fields. Trading blocks of votes for public dollars is the norm.
Like many others, they vote their pocketbooks (my kids laugh when I use that word).
The problem is, they overlook an existential threat from an oppressive US GOVERNMENT thinking they have enough political influence to keep themselves safe. You can’t scream “Anti-Semitism” for protection when the party you vote for is run by anti-semites.
Mind-boggling that they don’t see this and keep voting D.
A natural union of “Live & Let Live” politics is there for the asking with Conservatives.
ask any Jewish (or other) Obama voter what America GETS from this deal?
As long as 70% of the Jews in this country support the democratic party, this will continue. Even now, in spite of everything that this administration has done to Israel, they’ll continue to support these people. No matter what the democratic party does, they know that they’ll have the support of 70% of the Jewish population in this country. Because the Jews in this country still believe that their main enemy are the CHRISTIANS. Never mind that the majority of Christians support the Jewish state of Israel.
Let’s be PERFECTLY CLEAR here.
The ONLY REASON that Democrats in Congress are getting worried about what Obama is doing is that they are hearing it from some of the Jewish donors. There are still a lot of rich Jews that, unlike the Democrats, DO NOT want Israel blown off the map. And they are not happy.
Take away the money angle, these Democrats would be in LOCK-STEP with the president’s play to bury Israel, as they are lock-step with everything else this president does.