IMHO, the problem is much broader and deeper. It’s a simple issue of volition and our nation is manifesting its sheep-like nature, unwilling to even consider its volitional choices, falling instead back upon their soulish habits which have run independently of God’s Plan.
I remarked to a colleague the other day about how foul a recent Californian regulation/law had become, which required the State to pay for transgender sex change operations of those who wanted them while in prison.
His response wasn’t that he considered the ‘transgender’ solution as a perversion of thinking, but rather he tended to be libertarian and that was why the State shouldn’t pay for it.
Most people who condone homosexuality, including many Christians, are themselves refusing to change their thinking on other issues mentioned in the 1Cor 6:9 passage.
1Cor6 is an outstanding chapter to read considering volition and its role in our judgment.
Those who condone or encourage homosexuality as normal, fall into the category of those not inheriting the Kingdom of God. They likely aren’t homosexuals themselves, but might be fornicators, or adulterers in their past thinking. They might also fall into the camp of Romans 1:12-37, where they have been turned over to a reprobate mind. Rather than judge themselves and change their personal immorality, they find it easier to decriminalize homosexuality, then advocate its acceptance.
While these things used to be obvious amongst believers, a very large percentage of believers today have very scarred souls they refuse to reconsider, and their volition is lazily exercised. The enemy is playing this weakness to advance our loss of liberty.
I urge all Christians around the world to commit themselves this Easter towards serving God and the glory of Christ. They are the new Christians in the catacombs and those patriots who rang the Liberty Bell.
The gays will say that the Church discriminates against them. They are playing the same game as those who wanted racial equality. The cause of racial equality is a noble one. All humans are part of Gods creation. However, behavior that defines who you are is based upon choice and not all choice is equal. The purpose of the attack on the Church is the effort to destroy the Church which is the last bastion against government control of the individual.
The Communist among us want to destroy the institution of the family. The seductive nature of this destruction describes a strategy that has no limits on its methods. Boys are being taught in the government schools that there is no consequence for sexual gratification. That gratification can come from homosexuality; not the opposite sex which carries the consequence of pregnancy. If sex occurs with the opposite sex, pregnancy can be eliminated through the morning after pill. The purpose of life is sexual gratification without limits: the seduction.
Marriage is treated as an outdated consequence of pregnancy and not the result of a romantic attraction between man and woman. Romance is an outdated culture because it puts sexual gratification secondary to the building of a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, which is God’s plan. Sexual gratification can now come at the click of a mouse: Girls waiting to meet Portland men for sex.
Romance requires ones respect for another. For the Communists, selfishness is the new norm. Marriage is another outdated institution because it limits the new purpose for life: self centered sexual gratification. Our moral society, governed by Natural Law, is now being replaced by moral relativism. This encourages Big Government to do anything it wants and the Constitution be damned. As with the indulgence in pleasure, there will be no limits to what government will do to those under its rule. There will be no action subject to judgement. Fascism will be the way of government. The Utopian world without limits will fall like a house of cards. And with it will go the survival of the human race. They are destroying the notion of natural law right from under our nose.
When we let the Marxists throw out the tradition of marriage that has served our society for generations, we have destroyed one more thing: the idea that there is universal truth derived from natural law. Natural law has protected the individual from the collective. It is the basis of our Constitution.
The Marxists are destroying America from within. Same sex marriage is one more tactic from the Marxist tool box. It has become ingrained into the mindset of the Left to use their freedom of speech to indoctrinate their fellow citizens to what they want them to believe and limit the freedom of speech that says otherwise. The freedoms enjoyed by generations of Americans have degenerated into a tyranny that scorns Americas legacy of freedom to pave the way for the political oppression of the individual. This collective social model that opposes our Constitutional heritage is the way of the Marxist. Homo marriage has deeper implications than you can imagine. It is designed to control the individual by separating him from the sovereignty of the family. Pretty soon, when all the widgets that hold together our society have been loosened, the critical mass will have been reached and we will explode into the universe of history. Human beings will once again be set back in time to when the individual was the slave of the state.