This is a real shame (to put it mildly) How does Israel ever integrate itself into the Middle East as a trusted partner in the region?
Slowly and quietly. :-)
Seriously, if there hadn't been a constant barrage of "peace plans", "peace travelers", and "international aid money" from the West (mainly the US and EU) Israel would have a much better chance to integrate in the region. The Israelis know how to make deals with its neighbours. It is a harsh environment, and often one thing is said publicly and another done in secrecy, but most Israelis are able to cope with that. No, the problem is that Israel's Arab neighbours don't have to deal with Israel, but instead deal with the diplomats from the US, UK, France, Sweden etc. In most case totally ignorant about the local culture, and how to negotiate a deal. Just look at Kerry et al and the nuclear talks with Iran. Does anyone believe that the Iranians don't know that for Obama and Kerry it is much more important to get a deal, any deal, than to accomplish the goal of keeping Iran nuclear free? Does anyone really believe that Iran is not going to use that knowledge to its utmost limit?
No, if the "peace makers" would leave the Mid East alone for a decade or so, it is not unlikely that Israel would be able to make a de facto or maybe even de jure peace with the surrounding countries.