I think, in the isolated echo chamber that our representatives in Congress live, they don’t realize that the tactic they are playing won’t play with the American people. They think that the steady increasing pile of corruption the Obama Regime piles up will reach critical mass just in time for the 2016 election. The Obama Regime does have corruption up to their ears (I use “ears” symbolically). The DemonRATs are putting the period on the description of corruption. Even Dingy Harry Pinkie (or just plain Commie) Reid is stepping down because of corruption revelations.
The pop of the corruption bubble could be the October Surprise that the Republicans want. It will even burst the Hildebeast’s election plans (if she survives the nomination) because of her close ties with the Obama Regime.
However, this tactic may not work out. Too many things can complicate such a strategy, no matter how well it is planned. I think the Republicans need to work with what they have. They should start on a simple tactic first: Demand that Zer0 undergo psychological testing to see if he is fit for office. He should also be drug tested. Then start Article 25 of the U.S. Constitution if he shows unfittness. If it puts Joe in the Presidency it complicates his Presidential aspirations if der Hildebeast’s second time around rolls over.
With Biden as President, there is not enough time for him to screw up more than Zer0 has already done. Maybe Biden can slow the car down before it goes into the ditch. Also, with all of this going on, unleash the hard drive revelations about der Hildebeast. Who would they have left? Liz Lie-a-watha Warren? The electorate would tie her to all the economic woes they have suffered since Zer0 stood between those fake Greek columns.
The Republicans need to stand behind the best candidate we have: Senator Ted Cruz.
Sounds good but won’t happen since there are no men willing to do that work.
Bo will finish out his term with all the destruction he can muster....and that with little push back as it’s simply not strong enough nor cares to do so. Otherwise it would have been done his first term.
Talk is cheap and that’s all they’re doing....sounds great but really no action besides the normal ta do lists read and ranted in congressional meetings....so they can say they did something. They aren’t nor do they intend to use the measures they could.
Further the public is more than willing to wait out til the election.....squawking about what Bo’s done and is doing too is just that. There’s nothing underway to force him out.