To: napscoordinator; chris37; Vendome; The Final Harvest; Carry_Okie; dragnet2; kidd; SoConPubbie; ...
Ted Cruz is an “elitist” because he succeeded in getting into two of the best schools in the world and excelled above even the top-notch students there? So, next time you go to the doctor, you’ll ask for the guy or gal who had to go to Grenada or Mexico because he/she couldn’t get into Johns Hopkins or Yale Medical School? Do you even hear yourself talking?
73 posted on
03/18/2015 10:28:19 AM PDT by
(The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Is there some reason you sent me this msg?
I don’t recall ever saying any of the things you have listed here. What’s with that?
86 posted on
03/18/2015 10:36:57 AM PDT by
("The hour has arrived to gather the Harvest")
To: 2ndDivisionVet; napscoordinator
Ted Cruz is an elitist because he succeeded in getting into two of the best schools in the world and excelled above even the top-notch students there? So, next time you go to the doctor, youll ask for the guy or gal who had to go to Grenada or Mexico because he/she couldnt get into Johns Hopkins or Yale Medical School? Do you even hear yourself talking?
Hey Naps, better get another set of talking points.
Your Ted Cruz Elitist garbage and Walker is the only one who got things done talking points seem to be all washed up.
106 posted on
03/18/2015 10:48:06 AM PDT by
(Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
To: 2ndDivisionVet; napscoordinator
I've been into the Walker-Bot discussion with Naps before. Guess he has full blinders on
because he clearly doesn't care or give a damn about the most conservative candidate
for our Country. That candidate
would be Senator Cruz over Walker de-facto.
And that doctor thing, yea, I wouldn't want a drop-out Proctologist from Uganda Medical Emporium either.
Thanks for the Ping.
108 posted on
03/18/2015 10:51:03 AM PDT by
(Pay Attention and you'll be pissed off too! FIRE BOEHNER, NOW!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
One thing Mr. Cruz has never struck me as is an elitist.
He has struck me as the exact opposite of an elitist in fact.
144 posted on
03/18/2015 11:52:38 AM PDT by
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