You can't expect strangers to care more about your kids than you.
Now that parents know that homosexuals are actively recruiting their children, do the homosexuals actually believe that parents will send their children to schools that permit it?
Many parents with children in the government school system don’t seem bothered enough by this stuff for it to outweigh the bigger house, extra car and vacations they might not otherwise afford if their children were instead in private Christian schools or in a homeschool environment.
Materialism trumps family in our modern post-Christian era.
Other than Judge Roy Moore, is there a single high profile executive, legislative or judicial figure who is refusing to make excuses for giving in to the sodomites?
Where is the widespread Christian boycott of large corporations who have pledged support for sodomite anti-marriage? It is possible to live without their products.
I am of the mind that it should the answer to the following question should be a litmus test for a Christian supporting ANY political candidate anywhere: what have you done/what are you doing/what will you do to *meaningfully* support/defend Judge Roy Moore (and others like him) and meaningfully reject anti-Christian judicial activism?
We already know where this is leading. At some point they will try forcing this stuff into private Christian schools (some of the public ones are already capitulating), into our homes etc. It won’t just be the Christian-owned bakeries and flower shops, as bad as that is.