Wow. I just saw Sen. Tom Cotton on Slay the Nation. Incontinent Bob Schieffer must have gotten some extra geritol but he was going after him hammer and tongs. Cotton deftly responded to every one of his snide questions. I particularly like the way he turned around Schieffer’s sarcastic question about North Korea and worked in how they developed a nuclear bomb after a weak agreement. And he turned the knife when Schieffer brings up Albright’s idiotic comment and points out that she negotiated the Korean agreement! Bravo Sen. Cotton.
Bravo Sen. Cotton.
He’s one Harvard grad who kept his head on straight :):)
I just watched a replay of Senator Cotton’s “interview”. If anyone wants to see proof of why more people trust Fox News than ABS, CBS, and NBC combined they just need to replay the interview. I have never seen a more obnoxious, snarky, and sarcastic interviewer in my life. Schieffer will have to go off stage and change his diaper after that one.